nprmommy's Diaryland Diary


My Little American Idol

So proud of Zoe--the Zoester, Zo Zo, Z-bot. Today was the Mother's Day program in her kindergarten class. They sang all sorts of songs about flowers and gardens and other nature-related things, and my little Zoe sang a solo! I'm totally blown away that she did it. Up until now, she's been the kind of kid who really doesn't want a lot of attention drawn to her. If she's singing or dancing, and you look at her--she stops. She loves to make us laugh, but very rarely will she repeat something funny that she's done. So I was convinced that when the time came to sing her solo, she would either flat out refuse or just mumble into the microphone.

But she was great!! She not only sang her solo flawlessly (not that I'm biased), but when the teacher asked if anyone wanted to sing again, she volunteered to sing another song! It's funny, I swear that there was a look in her eyes that said, "Hey, that was pretty cool! I'd like to do more of that!"

When she appears on Oprah in 15 years (it could happen--O will only be like 65 years old then), I'll give them a copy of the video of her singing the garden song at the Mother's Day kindergarten program when she was 5.

Speaking of singing, Chris "the rocker" looked completely flabbergasted when Ryan Seacrest announced he was going home. I'm still rooting for Elliott, even though whenever I mention him, someone says "He has f#*%ed up teeth!" So my boy needs a little dental work....he can still sing the heck out of almost any song! If Freddy Mercury can become a rock icon with his seriously bucked teeth, surely Elliott can out out one or two mediocre albums before his American Idol flame burns out.

O.K., that didn't sound as encouraging as I meant it to be.

1:43 p.m. - 2006-05-11

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Max's Pants - 2007-06-20
Another DotMoms Article - 2007-03-12
New Dot-Moms Post - 2007-02-01
The President "Sings" - 2006-07-26
Summer Reality - 2006-07-25

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